Truth on Earth

Truth Contest

Truth Contest

This page will be updated with evolving guidelines that clarify what the Truth Contest is looking for.

For now, read The Present to get an idea of what qualifies as an entry.


  1. This contest is looking for unifying, universal truth that applies to all humans, everywhere on Earth, all the time.
  2. Entries must be original, new, and ideally submitted by the author or creator. For example, submitting or linking a book or other material, including religious texts, must include your interpretation of the content.
  3. Entries are evaluated using the evidence, critical thinking, reason, logic, common sense, and scientific methods, the same methods used by a respectable court of law.
  4. Entries should use langauge simple enough for the average person to understand. The average reader can fully comprehend a text with a reading grade level 8.
  5. Entries that use words must be written or translated into English, the most spoken language on Earth. Translations of entries to other languages may or may not be provided depending on volunteer contributions.

To submit an entry, challenge something said in an entry, or to question or suggest guidelines, contact us.